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Vow Renewal


By : Sarah Sibley | Photographed by : Irina Solovey

Kaysie and Adam Berry have much to celebrate in their decade of being married. Together they have navigated everything that life has thrown at them. The youngest of their three children, Lincoln, battled a rare genetic skin disorder. In one year, Lincoln endured six brain surgeries. Just when they thought they were through the worst of it, Kaysie discovered she had an untreatable fibroid tumor which necessitated an emergency hysterectomy. After additional genetic testing, Kaysie was told she had a cancer-causing gene. This diagnosis resulted a double mastectomy and many subsequent reconstructive surgeries.


As their 10-year wedding anniversary approached, their friend, Danielle Elder, event planner and owner of Added Details, suggested a pampering photoshoot at Barnstar in Ferndale for Kaysie. Danielle orchestrated the day with the help of local photographer Irina Solovey, and several area vendors who pulled out all the stops for the Berrys. Little did Kaysie know that Adam had more than just a photo shoot planned.


According to Adam, Kaysie thought she was just going to be a model for the photoshoot. He decided it was the perfect time to write renewal vows and surprise her at the end of the shoot with a ceremony. And Kaysie, unbeknownst to Adam, had also decided to surprise him with her own vows.


On May 4, 2018, Kaysie enjoyed an afternoon of hair styling, make-up, and photography. At the end of the day, she was led, with her eyes closed, down a hallway. At the end of the hallway, Adam was waiting in a new suit with his three children by his side. He had turned the shoot into a wonderful gift for his wife. They were both surprised and emotional when they realized they had both written renewal vows. As a result of their deep love and commitment to each other, and the help of their friend, the Berrys shared an incredibly meaningful ceremony as a family. “The first time it was exciting,” says Adam about their original wedding. “Now, after being through 10 years, and having my children next to me, [the vows] felt real and true. The words were so much stronger. It brought us together.” The Berrys embraced the changes and difficulties life had thrown their way and celebrated the renewal of many more years to come.

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Bellingham, WA                                                                                        

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